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The alpaca project was inspired by a young blender artist named Pablo Vazquez. He created a tutorial series, which address how to create a cartoon-like alpaca. We started with the eyes and worked our way down the body. In this project we learned a lot of things like modeling, sculpting, baking, and using the particles. First, we created the Alpaca through Bmesh editing. Then, we mastered our sculpting skills. We added wrinkles and scratches on the alpaca. On this step we focused on the hooves. We made the scratches brush in Gimp. After that, we baked the highly detailed hooves to the lowpoly hooves. Doing this, we reduced the vertex count, which would benefit the artists later because it will no slow down the computer. A lot of vertices means slower computer. And then, we added hair to the alpaca using the particles. We added three particle systems. The first particles are for the shorter hair, especially in the neck and head area. The next particle systems are longer, which was used in the body, where longer hair is necessary.